Access data from SELFE via OPeNDAP

Demonstration using the NetCDF4-Python library to access velocity data from the unstructured grid ocean model SELFE via OPeNDAP, specifying the desired URL, time, layer and lat/lon region of interest. The resulting plot of forecast velocity vectors over color-shaded bathymetry is useful for a variety of recreational and scientific purposes.

SELFE (Semi-implicit Eulerian-Lagrangian Finite Element) is an open-source community-supported modelling system, based on unstructured grids, designed for the effective simulation of 3D baroclinic circulation across river-to-ocean scales. Development is led by Dr. Joseph Zhang.

SELFE is a coupled numerical model that uses nested weather models, a coastal ocean circulation model, and a wave model. The ocean model is a triangular mesh model with horizontal resolution that is finer in complicated regions. It is layered (not depth-averaged) and includes the effects of tides, winds, and varying water densities caused by temperature and salinity changes.

In [1]:
from pylab import *
import matplotlib.tri as Tri
import netCDF4
import datetime as dt

In [2]:
# Adriatic Sea Tidal Model Data from Ivica Janekovic
url = ''
nc = netCDF4.Dataset(url)

[u'ele', u'x', u'y', u'h', u'depth', u'zeta', u'U', u'V', u'ocean_time']

In [3]:
# take a look at the "metadata" for the variable "u"
print nc.variables['U']

<type 'netCDF4.Variable'>
float64 U(u'time', u'mnp', u'vert')
    units: meters
    name: Eastward current component for M2 constituent
unlimited dimensions = ()
current size = (24, 99094, 29)

In [4]:
print nc.variables['depth']

<type 'netCDF4.Variable'>
float64 depth(u'time', u'mnp', u'vert')
    units: meters
    name: Depth of sigma-z model layers
unlimited dimensions = ()
current size = (24, 99094, 29)

In [5]:
# Desired time for snapshot
# ....right now (or some number of hours from now) ...
start = dt.datetime.utcnow() + dt.timedelta(hours=0)
# ... or specific time (UTC)
#start = dt.datetime(2013,3,2,15,0,0)

In [6]:
# Get desired time step  
time_var = nc.variables['ocean_time']
itime = netCDF4.date2index(start,time_var,select='nearest')

# Get lon,lat coordinates for nodes (depth)
lat = nc.variables['y'][:]
lon = nc.variables['x'][:]

In [7]:
# Get Connectivity array
nv = nc.variables['ele'][:,:]-1

In [8]:
# Get water depth 
h = nc.variables['h'][:]

In [9]:
dtime = netCDF4.num2date(time_var[itime],time_var.units)
daystr = dtime.strftime('%Y-%b-%d %H:%M')
print daystr

2000-Jan-11 23:00

In [10]:
tri = Tri.Triangulation(lon,lat, triangles=nv)

In [11]:
# get current at layer [0 = bottom, -1 = surface]
ilayer = -1
u = nc.variables['U'][itime, :, ilayer]
v = nc.variables['V'][itime, :, ilayer]

In [12]:
levels=arange(-30,1,1)   # depth contours to plot
ax= [12., 12.6, 45.2, 45.6] # region to plot

In [13]:
# find velocity points in bounding box
ind = argwhere((lon >= ax[0]) & (lon <= ax[1]) & (lat >= ax[2]) & (lat <= ax[3]))

In [14]:
# thin out the velocity vectors via random subsample
Nvec = int(len(ind) / subsample)
idv = ind[:Nvec]

In [28]:
# tricontourf plot of water depth with vectors on top
fig1 = figure(figsize=(18,10))
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111,aspect=(1.0/cos(mean(lat)*pi/180.0)))
plt.tricontourf(tri, h,levels=levels,;
cbar.set_label('Water Depth (m)', rotation=-90)
Q = ax1.quiver(lon[idv],lat[idv],u[idv],v[idv],scale=2.0)
qk = quiverkey(Q,0.92,0.08,0.50,'0.5 m/s',labelpos='W')
title('SELFE Velocity, Layer %d, %s' % (ilayer, daystr));

In [38]:
# cumulative histogram of speed in displayed region
import statsmodels.api as sm 
ecdf = sm.distributions.ECDF(spd.flatten())
title('Cumulative histogram of speed in displayed region')
xlabel('Current speed (m/s)')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x75f5910>

In [ ]: